
Write a program that changes an infix expression to a postfix expression according to the following specifications. Input

  1. The infix expression to be converted is in the input file in the format of one character per line, with a maximum of 50 lines in the file. For example, (3+2)*5 would be in the form: ( 3 + 2 ) * 5
  2. The input starts with an integer on a line by itself indicating the number of test cases. Several infix expressions follows, preceded by a blank line.
  3. The program will only be designed to handle the binary operators +, -, *, /.
  4. The operands will be one digit numerals.
  5. The operators * and / have the highest priority. The operators + and - have the lowest priority. Operators at the same precedence level associate from left to right. Parentheses act as grouping symbols that over-ride the operator priorities.
  6. Each testcase will be an expression with valid syntax. Output The output file will have each postfix expression all on one line. Print a blank line between different expressions. Sample Input 1 ( 3 + 2 ) * 5 Sample Output 32+5*