
Write a program which has no input (i.e., contains no input statement — read, readln, scanf, fget, ...) and displays a copy of its source program code in order, immediately followed by its source code in reverse. The resulting output will be a palindrome, except that carriage-return line-feed sequences are not reversed. *** Hypothetical Sample Code *** #include <stdio.h> int used[10] = {0}; long denominator = 0; /* Here's a Strange one / main() { bla; bla; exit (0); } Sample Output #include <stdio.h> int used[10] = {0}; long denominator = 0; / Here's a Strange one / main() { bla; bla; exit (0); } } ;)0( tixe ;alb ;alb { )(niam / eno egnartS a s'ereH */ ;0 = rotanimoned gnol ;}0{ = ]01[desu tni >h.oidts< edulcni#