Heads / Tails Probability

The probability of n heads in a row tossing a fair coin is 2−n. Calculate the probability for any positive integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 1000000). Input A list of valid values of n (one per line). Output Print a table of n and 2−n in the following for the given values of n, using the following format: 2^-n = z.xxxe-y where z is a nonzero decimal digit, each x is a decimal digit and each y is a decimal integer with no leading zeros or spaces. Sample Input 1 100 10000 1000000 Sample Output 2^-1 = 5.000e-1 2^-100 = 7.889e-31 2^-10000 = 5.012e-3011 2^-1000000 = 1.010e-301030