Key to Success

Any one-to-one mapping, f, of any alphabet to itself can be used to encode text by replacing each occurrence of any letter, c, with f(c). One such mapping could be the mapping of a letter to three positionsbeyondtheletterinthealphabet. Thatis,a→d,b→e,c→f,d→gandsoon. With this mapping, “The car is blue” will be encoded as “Wkh fdu lv eoxh”. Write a program that decodes the contents of the input file according to the following guidelines:

  1. Only letters are encoded. Letters are mapped to letters. Uppercase letters are different from their lowercase counter parts.
  2. The mapping that defines the encoding is one-to-one. That is, two different letters never map to the same letter of the alphabet (a → x and t → x is impossible).
  3. There are two input lines — the first one contains a text (not encoded) and the second one contains an encoded text. This text is to be decoded by your program.
  4. Both lines are written by the same person.
  5. It is to be assumed that any person uses letters of the alphabet with the same RELATIVE FREQUENCY from document to document and no two letters are used with the same frequency. That is, the most frequently used letter in the first line maps to the most frequently used letter in the second one; the second most frequently used letter maps to the second most frequently used letter and so on. Input The input begins with a single positive integer on a line by itself indicating the number of the cases following, each of them as described above. This line is followed by a blank line, and there is also a blank line between two consecutive inputs. Output For each test case, write to the output as described above on a line by itself. The outputs of two consecutive cases will be separated by a blank line. Sample Intput 1 abacxbacac qqqqqrrrrssstt Sample Output aaaaaccccbbbxx