Bank (Not Quite O.C.R.)

Banks, always trying to increase their profit, asked their computer experts to come up with a system that can read bank cheques; this would make the processing of cheques cheaper. One of their ideas was to use optical character recognition (ocr) to recognize bank accounts printed using 7 line-segments. Once a cheque has been scanned, some image processing software would convert the horizontal and vertical bars to ASCII bars ‘|’ and underscores ‘’. The ASCII 7-segment versions of the ten digits look like this: A bank account has a 9-digit account number with a checksum. For a valid account number, the followingequationholds: (d1+2×d2+3×d3+···+9×d9)mod11=0. Digitsarenumberedfrom right to left like this: d9d8d7d6d5d4d3d2d1. Unfortunately, the scanner sometimes makes mistakes: some line-segments may be missing. Your task is to write a program that deduces the original number, assuming that: • when the input represents a valid account number, it is the original number; • at most one digit is garbled; • the scanned image contains no extra segments. For example, the following input __ _____ | | |||| | ||||| |_ | |||| |||_| used to be ”123456789”. Input The input file starts with a line with one integer specifying the number of account numbers that have to be processed. Each account number occupies 3 lines of 27 characters. Output For each test case, the output contains one line with 9 digits if the correct account number can be determined, the string ‘failure’ if no solutions were found and ‘ambiguous’ if more than one solution was found.

2/2 Sample Input 4

| | |||| |_ ||||| |_ | |||| |||| ______ _ ||||| || || | | ||_ | ||||||| | | | | _________ |||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||| _ _______ || ||||||||||||||| || ||||||||||||||_| Sample Output 123456789 ambiguous failure 878888888