
Recognizing strings based on a set of restrictions is a common computational problem. A Slurpy is a string of characters that has certain properties. Your program will read in strings of characters and output whether or not they are Slurpys. A Slump is a character string that has the following properties:

  1. Its first character is either a ’D’ or an ’E’.
  2. The first character is followed by a string of one or more ’F’s.
  3. The string of one or more ’F’s is followed by either a Slump or a ’G’. The Slump or ’G’ that follows the F’s ends the Slump. For example DFFEFFFG is a Slump since it has a ’D’ for its first character, followed by a string of two F’s, and ended by the Slump ’EFFFG’.
  4. Nothing else is a Slump. A Slimp is a character string that has the following properties:
  5. Its first character is an ’A’.
  6. If it is a two character Slimp then its second and last character is an ’H’.
  7. If it is not a two character Slimp then it is in one of these two forms: a) ’A’ followed by ’B’ followed by a Slimp followed by a ’C’. b) ’A’ followed by a Slump (see above) followed by a ’C’.
  8. Nothing else is a Slimp. A Slurpy is a character string that consists of a Slimp followed by a Slump. Examples: Slumps: Not Slumps: Slimps: Not Slimps: Slurpys: Not Slurpys: Input DFG, EFG, DFFFFFG, DFDFDFDFG, DFEFFFFFG DFEFF, EFAHG, DEFG, DG, EFFFFDG AH, ABAHC, ABABAHCC, ADFGC, ADFFFFGC, ABAEFGCC, ADFDFGC ABC, ABAH, DFGC, ABABAHC, SLIMP, ADGC AHDFG, ADFGCDFFFFFG, ABAEFGCCDFEFFFFFG AHDFGA, DFGAH, ABABCC The first line contains an integer N between 1 and 10 describing how many strings of characters are represented. The next N lines each contain a string of 1 to 60 alpha characters. Output The first line of output should read ‘SLURPYS OUTPUT’. Each of the next N lines of output should consist of either ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ depending on whether or not the corresponding input line is a Slurpy. The last line of output should read ‘END OF OUTPUT’.