Long Multiplication

In traditional “long multiplication” we determine the product of two integers, x and y, by multiplying x and the individual digits of y, in turn, starting with the units digit. The results of these multiplications are arranged appropriately and added, yielding the completed product. The representation of these operations is usually done in a particular manner. Consider the multi- plication of 123 by 95: 123 95 --- 615 1107 ----- 11685 The numbers to be multiplied, x and y, are each displayed on a separate line, followed by a horizontal line. The results of multiplying each digit of y by x are then displayed on separate lines, followed by another horizontal line, and then the final product. In this problem you are to perform a sequence of such multiplications, displaying the results in this traditional representation. Input Each line of the input data, except the last, will contain two integers, x and y, separated by whitespace (one or more blanks and tab characters). Whitespace may also precede the first integer and follow the second integer. Each integer will have no more than 10 digits. The last line of the input data contain only a ‘0’, and marks the end of the input. Output For each pair of integers (that is, each input line except the last), perform the multiplication of x by y, displaying the results in the form shown above and in the examples shown below. Follow the output for each multiplication by a blank line. If there are less than 2 lines of numbers between the horizontal lines, omit them (since in that case they would be superfluous) as well as the second horizontal line, and just output the sum. Display ‘0’ digits only when they are significant. The number of hyphens in the first horizontal line should be the same as the number of digits in the larger of x and y. The number of hyphens in the second horizontal line, if it is produced, should be the same as the number of digits in the product of x and y. Sample Input 47 135 46 12345 862 0 123456789 0

2/2 Sample Output 4 7 - 28 135 46 --- 810 540 ---- 6210 12345 862

24690 74070 98760

10641390 0 123456789
