
Given two strings A and B over an alphabet Σ, the edit distance between A and B is the minimum number of edit operations needed to convert A into B. The three edit operations are the following: (i) change: replace one character of A by another single character of B. (ii) deletion: delete one character from A. (iii) insertion: insert one character of B into A. For example, the following figure shows that the edit distance between the strings A=abcdefg and B=ahcefig is 3. The edit operations are a change (i.e., replacing b of A by h of B), a deletion (i.e., deleting d from A), and an insertion (i.e., inserting i of B into A). We now define a period of a repetitive string as follows: The string p is called the exact period of astringxifxcanbewrittenasx=pk,wherek≥1andpistheshorteststring. Forexample,ifx =abababab then x = (abababab)1 = (abab)2 = (ab)4. Thus, the string ab is the exact period of x. We define an approximate period similarly. Given two strings x and y, suppose that the string x is partitionedintosubstringspi,1≤i≤t,wherepi isnotanullstring,i.e.,x=p1·p2·p3···pt. Ifthe edit distance between a string y and each substring pi is less than or equal to an integer k, string y is called a k-approximate period of string x. In this problem, given two strings x and y, we want to find the minimum k such that string y is a k-approximate period of string x. For example, suppose that two strings x = abcdabcabb and y=abc are given. Since x may be partitioned into x = p1 · p2 · p3 = abcd · abc · abb and the edit distances between string y=abc and each substring abcd, abc, and abb equal to 1, 0, and 1, respectively, y is a 1-approximate period of x. Hence, the minimum k is one. Input Your program is to read from standard input. The input consists of T test cases. The number of test cases T is given in the first line of the input. For each test case, a string y is given in the first line and the string x is given in the next line. The length of string y is at least 1 and at most 50, the length of string x is at least 1 and at most 5000, and the alphabet Σ is the set of lowercase English characters. Output Your program is to write to standard output. Print exactly one line for each test case. Print the minimum integer value k such that string y is a k-approximate period of string x.

2/2 Sample Input 3 abc abcdabcabb abab abababababab xyz abcdefghikjlmn Sample Output 1 0 3