
Thom doesn’t like maths, so he always tries to do his math homework first. His last homework was to find the number of ways we can add 3 non-negative integer such that thier sum is N. a+b+c=N Thom had already done his homework, but since he is a bit messy; he mixed the answers and now he doesn’t know to which N belongs. Help Thom to find which N belong to his answers, consider that Tom is not good at math so he may have found wrong answers. Input The first line contains a single integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 10000) and then T lines follows, each one contains an integer S (3 ≤ S ≤ 50000000) that represent the answer of Thom. Output For each test case, your program must print the value of N if Thom’s answer was correct otherwise print ‘No solution’ Sample Input 10 3 14 63 8 91 102 153 30 300 3440 Sample Output 1 No solution No solution No solution 12 No solution 16 No solution 23 No solution