Ice-cream cones

Alba and Blanca have conflicting views on ice-cream cones, even if both of them share vanilla and chocolate as their favourite flavours. When their parents have a good day and decide to buy them a two scoop ice-cream, always the same discussion arises between them. When placing the scoops in the cone, the shop assistant pushes the first scoop towards the bottom so he can put the second one top of it. Inevitably, that means that the second flavour to be placed in the cone is the first one to be eaten. Alba prefers to put chocolate on the top. That’s her favourite, so she wants to eat it first because when she reaches the vanilla scoop, her tongue is too cold and she barely perceives the flavour. Blanca also prefers chocolate rather than vanilla, but she has a different theory. It is safer to put the chocolate scoop on the bottom, because the one on the top is more likely to end up on the floor if they eat the ice-cream while walking. Their parents cannot decide for them because... they buy three scoop ice-creams for themselves, and they also ask for a different order... This way, it is impossible to agree on anything. Input The input starts with a line that contains the number of test cases to be processed. Each of the test cases consists on a line with a couple of numbers indicating the number of chocolate and vanilla scoops that will be used for a cone. There will not be an ice-cream without scoops and some huge cones can hold up to 15 scoops. Output For each test case, write every single way of placing the scoops. Each configuration of an ice-cream will be written as a sequence of letters ‘C’ and ‘V’ for chocolate and vanilla, respectively. The different con- figurations will be written in alphabetical order, separated by a whitespace. Do not add the whitespace after the last configuration. Sample Input 2 11 21 Sample Output CV VC CCV CVC VCC