Back to the Past

Dr. James, the only PhD holder of our country in Competitive Programming (CP), has recently joined the Department of Competitive Programming in St. John Snow University as a professor. He has passed a lot of memorable times in this institute as a student. He was a hero among the seniors and juniors. He also loved to spend good times with others, taking voluntary classes, helping students to learn different algorithms and data structures. “Alas! The good old time. I wish if I could go back to the past” — Professor Dr. James mumbles. Though he is now a teacher in the institute, he cannot maintain the previous interactions and activities with students. Dr. James wants to be the man like before but some senior professors does not like this attitude. They do not appreciate the friendly interaction between teacher and student. Now Professor Dr. James dreams about going back to the past. As he knows that this is not possible, he is just giving himself consolation seeing the calendar. Suddenly Dr. James recalled today’s date (31/10/2015) as the preliminary contest of ACM ICPC Asia Regional Dhaka site 2015 is going to start on this date. As he is one of the problem setters and judge, he wants to play a (hard) game with the contestants. Name of the game is “Back to the Past”. The rule of the game is simple. Professor Dr. James has chosen a random past date. You have to print the date and the day of the week of that date. The chosen date by Dr. James is 29/05/2013 (nobody knows the reason). See the output section for more information. Input There is no input in this problem. Output Output the date and the name of the week day. Note: The sample output will give wrong answer as this is a sample to show the output format. Hint: Code snippet in C/C++ to print the above sample output #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("October 30, 2015 Friday\n"); return 0; } You just need to replace ‘October 30, 2015 Friday’ with the correct answer. Sample Input Sample Output October 30, 2015 Friday