Bigger or Smaller

Given two floating-point numbers, determine whether the first one is bigger, smaller or the same as the second one. Each floating point number is formatted as [integer part].[fraction part] For simplicity, both of the integer part and fraction part of the given floating point numbers will be non-empty, and the integer part will not have leading zeros. However, fraction part can have trailing zeros, so 0.0 is the same as 0.000. Input There will be at most 20 test cases. Each test case contains a single line with two floating-point numbers formatted as above. Each number is a string with no more than 100 characters. Output For each test case, print the case number, and one of ‘Bigger’, ‘Smaller’ and ‘Same’. Sample Input 1.0 2.0 0.00001 0.00000 0.0 0.000 Sample Output Case 1: Smaller Case 2: Bigger Case 3: Same