
The number of ways in which r objects can be chosen from n different objects can be found using the formula n = n! . r r!(n−r)! ()()() Forexample 5 =10, 10 =1, 15 =15,etc. Nowifnvariesfromlowtohighandrvariesfrom out the value of Input high n ( ) ∑∑n n=low r=0 () 3 0 14 () 0 to n, then you have to find out how many values of nr are odd. In other words you will have to find r mod 2, here mod is the standard modulus or reminder operation. The input file contains at most 50,000 lines of inputs. Each line contains two positive integers low and high (0 ≤ low ≤ high ≤ 16 ∗ 1011). Input is terminated by a line containing two zeroes. Output For each line of input, produce one line of output. This line contains an integer D which prints the desired value. You can safely assume that this output will fit in a 64-bit unsigned integer. Note: ()()()()()()() IllustrationforSampleinput1: 20 =1, 21 =2, 2 =1, 30 =1, 31 =3, 32 =3, 3 =1,andof these seven values, six (6) are odd. Sample Input 23 10 20 100 200 00 Sample Output 6 70 2510