“Kana Shamsu” is a frightening local terror. There are N business places in his area. He (Kana Shamsu) claims extortion to the business owners to continue their business, otherwise they will suffer. Shamsu is a dangerous man. There is a rumor that Shamsu can kill people for money. The total business society is feeling unsafe. It comes as an unexpected disaster. But Shamsu has his own boss too. He works under a very powerful godfather named “Vuri Kamal”. Kamal is a very busy person, as he needs to manage lots of local terror like Shamsu. So he (Kamal) doesn’t want to know how much money Shamsu can receive from the business owner. He claims Shamsu to give him some specific amount of money Xi for those business places (where i = 0 to N − 1). On the other hand, business owners want to make an agreement with Shamsu for the donation amount Yi for each business (where i = 0 to N − 1). So it comes to a situation that, for each business place i (0 ≤ i < N) Shamsu gets Yi from the business owner and needs to give the Kamal Xi. Meanwhile Shamsu realizes that, for some business places, his godfather Mr. Vuri Kamal claims more than he can manage from that place. To some extent, Vuri Kamal gives Shamsu a chance to deny collecting money from at most K places. So now Shamsu needs to find a process to maximize his profit he can gain from these N business places. Input There will be T (T ≤ 100) test cases. For each test case, there will be three lines of input. In the first line you will be given N (1 ≤ N < 106) and K (0 ≤ K ≤ N). The second line contains N space separated integers Xi (0 ≤ Xi < 108), denoting the amount of money Vuri Kamal claims from Shamsu for each business place. The next line will contain another N space separated integers Yi (0 ≤ Yi < 108) denoting Shamsu can get from the business owner. Output In the output, you will print the maximum profit Shamsu can earn for the given input. If it is not possible to earn positive profit (total profit ≤ 0) for a given input, you will print ‘No Profit’ without the quote. For further instruction, follow the sample input output given bellow. Sample Input 2 52 45678 56789 50 76787 45678
2/2 Sample Output Case 1: 5 Case 2: No Profit