There are 109 cards lying on a table, where the i-th card has the value i (1 ≤ i ≤ 109) written on it. Alice picked N cards from those and then Bob also picked N cards from the remaining cards. They noticed two interesting properties: • None of the cards picked by Alice or Bob has any palindromic value written on it • The sum of values between any one card of Alice and any one card of Bob is always a palindromic number. Your job is to find one possible selection of cards for both Alice and Bob for N = 4400. A number is called palindromic if it spells same both forward and backward. Input This problem doesn’t have any input. Output The first line of output should contain N space separated integers denoting the cards picked by Alice. The second line of output should also contain N space separated integers denoting the cards picked by Bob. You can print any possible solution. The printed numbers must be distinct and have values between 1 and 109 (inclusive). And also they should satisfy the two properties mentioned above. The sample output shows one possible output when N = 2. You need to find a solution for N = 4400. Sample Input Sample Output 27 128 94 104