Arcurve’s Big Project

Software company Arcurve has just won the rights to be the exclusive coders of Project X. Project X is highly so- phisticated and will require specialized training for several of Arcurve’s employees. Arcurve has calculated that a cer- tified programmer produces 200 lines of code per day, and a non-certified programmer produces 40 lines of codes per day. Arcurve has E employees, only one of which is certified at the onset of Project X. One certified programmer can train one non-certified programmer over a 4 day intense peer-to-peer course, dur- ing which neither of them can code on the project, nor train others. After the 4 day course, both are certified and can resume coding on Project X. A certified programmer who is not already training a non-certified programmer may at any point start training a non-certified programmer. Will Arcurve succeed in completing Project X before the big deadline D days out? Input The first line of the input contains an integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 2100), the number of test cases. Each test casecontainsthreeintegers: D(1≤D≤108),E(1≤E≤108)andL(1≤L≤1018)denotingthe number of days before Project X is due, the number of employees Arcurve has (one of which is certified) and the number of lines of code that must be produced, respectively. Output For each test case print on a separate line either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, the answer to the question “Can Arcurve produce L lines of code within D days with its E employees?” Sample Input 2 12 4 4000 12 4 5000 Sample Output Yes No