Baby Me

When I was born, I was 5 斤 2 两。Sorry for non-Chinese people. Here’s what it means: 1 斤 =0.5kg 1 两 =0.05kg So 5 斤 2 两 means 0.55+0.052=2.6kg. Given similar information for other babies, your task is to find out their weights in kg. Input The first line contains the number of test cases T (T ≤ 100). Each test case contains a string in format ‘a 斤 b 两’(1≤a≤10,1≤b≤9)or‘a 斤’(1≤a≤10). The input file will be encoded with UTF-8 without BOM (if you don’t know what it is, you can safely ignore it). Output For each test case, print the ACCURATE weight in kg (without trailing zeros). Sample Input 3 5斤2两 7斤3两 6斤 Sample Output Case 1: 2.6 Case 2: 3.65 Case 3: 3