
Given two sets of words formed by zeros and ones, you must write a program to determine if there are concatenations of words of each of the sets that generate the same word. For example, if a set A contains the words ‘010’ and ‘11’ and another set B contains the words ‘0’ and ‘101’, then the word ‘01,011,010’ can be formed both by concatenating words of A and by concatenating words of B. 010 · 11 · 010 = 01011010 = 0 · 101 · 101 · 0 Input The input contains several test cases. The first line of a test case contains two integers, N1 and N2, which indicate respectively the number of words in the first and the number of words in the second sets. Each of the following N1 lines contains a word of the first set. Each of the following N2 lines contains a word of the second set. Output For each test case your program must print a single line, containing a single character. If it is possible to find a concatenation of one or more words of the first set that is equal to a concatenation of one or more words of the second set then the character must be ‘S’, otherwise the character must be ‘N’. Restrictions • 1≤N1,N2 ≤20 • Each word has at least one and at most 40 characters, all zeros and ones. Sample Input 22 010 11 0 101 31 1 00 000 01 11 00 000 Sample Output S N S