Hardest Problem Ever (Easy)

IUT once asked a group of people to prepare a number of problems for their yearly national contest. That group of people (let’s call them the setters) is really enthusiastic problem solvers, they gratefully accepted the job. They spent day and night, finding interesting ideas, writing solutions, preparing test-data and problem descriptions. The job was almost done. I said almost because for some reason they could not agree on one matter — what kind of problem should be chosen as the easiest problem for this contest. One of the setters proposed a problem related to something what he is currently doing at office. But the coordinator of setters wasn’t really interested. He thought this might be too hard for the newbies. This easiest problem should make everyone happy. No one should return home from the contest without solving anything. So another guy suggested a + b problem, which was also rejected. Reason? Some of the contestants may be really new to programming and may not even know how to take input, they may come to the contest only knowing how to print “Hello world!”. Suddenly an idea came to one of the setter’s mind. He said, “If we make a task to be solved with printing only, our problem is solved!” Voila! They just solved the hardest problem ever — that is to make a problem that every team can solve. You are given a 9 × 9 grid (in the next page). The names of the setters are hidden in the grid. Names are given below (in no particular order): RAKIBUL ANINDYA MOSHIUR SHIPLU KABIR SUNNY OBAIDA WASI They are hidden in the following ways:

  1. The names are present in the grid either vertically or horizontally. (Letters of a particular name will be adjacent either only horizontally or only vertically).
  2. Each person’s name may not be in its original form, letters may be permuted. For example “wasi” can be present as “iaws”.
  3. Exactly the names mentioned above are given. Knowing any other name of them will not give you any advantage. Now, the task: It is guaranteed that only one name is hidden exactly twice in this grid. All the other names are hidden exactly once. You have to print the name which is hidden just twice. The grid

2/2 One name (WASI) is shown for you. Input There is no input for this problem. Output Output just one string which is the name hidden twice in the grid. Help for newbies: Find the name from the grid and do something like (replace "the name" with the name you found): In C: printf("the name\n"); In C++: cout << "the name" << endl; In Java: System.out.println("the name");