
I’m a big fan of watching TV. However, I don’t like to watch a single channel; I’m constantly zapping between different channels. My dog tried to eat my remote controller and unfortunately he partially destroyed it. The numeric buttons I used to press to quickly change channels are not working anymore. Now, I only have available two buttons to change channels: one to go up to the next channel (the △ button) and one to go down to the previous channel (the ▽ button). This is very annoying because if I’m watching channel 3 and want to change to channel 9 I have to press the △ button 6 times! My TV has 100 channels conveniently numbered 0 through 99. They are cyclic, in the sense that if I’m on channel 99 and press △ I’ll go to channel 0. Similarly, if I’m on channel 0 and press ▽ I’ll change to channel 99. I would like a program that, given the channel I’m currently watching and the channel I would like to change to, tells me the minimum number of button presses I need to reach that channel. Input The input contains several test cases (at most 200). Each test case is described by two integers a and b in a single line. a is the channel I’m currently watching and b is the channel I would like to go to (0 ≤ a,b ≤ 99). The last line of the input contains two ‘-1’s and should not be processed. Output For each test case, output a single integer on a single line — the minimum number of button presses needed to reach the new channel (Remember, the only two buttons I have available are △ and ▽). Sample Input 39 0 99 12 27 -1 -1 Sample Output 6 1 15