Night Market

The night market is a reoccurring street party for creative types. Groups of individuals rent U-Haul style box trucks to create a fun experi- ence or art installation in the back of it. The night of event, each group drives to the same location at a given time, and open the back of their truck for a spontaneous street party! The location is revealed only hours before the party to maximize the mystery surrounding the event. You are in charge of picking where each box truck is placed for the next night market. Given the layout of the area you picked, determine whether or not all trucks can be placed in the area given the following specifications. • The map consists of road tiles ‘.’, sidewalk tiles ‘- |’, corner sidewalk tiles ‘+’, and building tiles ‘#’. • Each box truck is 2 units in length and 1 unit wide. • Box trucks may be placed horizontally or vertically onto road tiles NWSE, adjacent to exactly two sidewalk tiles, but not adjacent to corner sidewalk tiles. • Box trucks cannot be placed at the first or last row and first or last column of the map. • Horizontally placed box trucks cannot be placed east-west adjacent to another box truck. Verti- cally placed box trucks cannot be placed north-south adjacent to another box truck. |..|### |o.+--- |o..oo. |.oooo. +------ In the example above, a box truck may be placed in any one of the 5 positions (1+1+3 = 5) by occupying any two adjacent units among the 8 tiles indicated by an o. The following examples are valid box truck placements (individual trucks indicated by numbering): |..|### |..|### |1.+--- |1.+--- |1..22. |1..22. |.33... |...33. +------ +------ The following examples are INVALID box truck placements:

2/2 |1.|### |..|### |1.+--- |..+--- |....22 |...... |33.... |.1122. +------ +------ You may assume roads are at least two units wide at any given point. Input The first line of the input is T (1 ≤ T ≤ 100), the number of test cases. For each test case, the first line will be three integers L, W, and N, the length and width of the layout of the area (1 ≤ L,W ≤ 100), and the number of box trucks to place (1 ≤ N ≤ 1000). The following L lines contains strings of length W , denoting the layout of the area. Output If all trucks can be placed at this location, print the line ‘LOCATION OKAY’. Otherwise, print the line ‘CHOOSE ANOTHER LOCATION’. Sample Input 2 15 15 5 |...|########## |...|########## |...|########## |...|########## |...|########## |...+---------+ |.............| |.............| |.............| |...+-----+...| |...|#####|...| |...|#####|...| |...|#####|...| |...|#####|...| |...|#####|...| 8 12 1 ##+--++--+## ##|..||..|## +-+..++..+-+ |..........| |..........| +-+..++..+-+ ##|..||..|## ##+--++--+## Sample Output LOCATION OKAY CHOOSE ANOTHER LOCATION