Calculating Yuan Fen

Yuanfen ( is a Chinese term that is hard to understand for people in other countries. Roughly speaking, yuanfen means the pre-determined “binding force” that links two people (usually two lovers) together. Although it is a blind faith, many people, especially girls like to calculate it. Unfortunately, my girlfriend is one of them. One day, she asked me, “Sweetie, shall we find out our yuanfen?” Oh, I really hate that question, but I cannot reject it... Luckily, I’m a programmer, so the only thing I need to do is to find a seemingly good algorithm and write a yuanfen calculator. After several hours’ searching in the web, I decided to implement the following popular yuanfen algorithm: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Pick up the name abbreviations of the couple and concatenate them. For example, if the couple named Jiang Yun Fan and Tang Yu Rou, the concatenation of abbreviations is JYFTYR. Replace each letter with a number string. For some predefined positive integer ST, replace A with ST,andBwithST+1,CwithST+2,...,ZwithST+25. Forexample,ifST =81,Ashouldbe replaced with 81, B should be replaced with 82, ..., Z will be replaced by 106. In the case above, JYFTYR will be replaced by 901058610010598. Repeat the following: add up each pair of consecutive digits, and write down the last digit of each sum. It’s not difficult to see that each time we perform this action, the number of digits is decreased by 1. When the number string is exactly 100, or has no more than 2 digits, the process ends. The current number is the yuanfen between the couple. In the case above, the process is as follows: 901058610010598 91153471011547 0268718112691 284589923850 02937815135 2120596648 332545202 65799722 1268694 384453 12898 3077 374 01 So if ST = 81, Jiang Yun Fan and Tang Yu Rou’s yuanfen is only 1! Too bad! I know my girlfriend very well. I know that even the result is as high as 99, she’ll still be unhappy. Could you find the value of ST such that the yuanfen between my sweetheart and I is 100? Input There will be at most 50 test cases. Each case contains a string of at least four and at most ten capital letters.

2/2 Output For each test case, print the smallest positive integer ST (note that ST should not be zero). If it does not exist or larger than 10000, print a string ‘:(’ (without quotes). Disclaimer Don’t be sad if the result of you and your sweetie is larger than 10000. That’s no big deal. Sample Input JYFTYR ABCDEF YTHHLS YTHLML LYXM JYFLY CBTZX LXYZLE LXYLYR QWERTY Sample Output 148 634 :( 910 96 4284 631 850 149 2277