Many well-known cryptographic operations require modular exponentiation. That is, given integers x, y and n, compute xy mod n. In this question, you are tasked to program an efficient way to execute this calculation. Input The input consists of a line containing the number c of datasets, followed by c datasets, followed by a line containing the number ‘0’. Each dataset consists of a single line containing three positive integers, x, y, and n, separated by blanks. Youcanassumethat1<x,n<215 =32768,and0<y<231 =2147483648. Output The output consists of one line for each dataset. The i-th line contains a single positive integer z such that z=xy modn for the numbers x, y, z given in the i-th input dataset. Sample Input 2 235 2 2147483647 13 0 Sample Output 3 11