
Matrissor is a special kind of processor which can multiply a sequence of matrices in quick time. It has certain capacity K which means the maximum number of computations (multiplications here) it can perform at one step. For example if K is 1000, then it can multiply 2 matrices of 10 × 10 dimension. But it cannot multiply a (10 × 11) matrix and another (11 × 10) matrix which require 1100 multiplications. There is a limitation of matrissor. It cannot multiply a sequence of matrices optimally. If it is to multiply m matrices, it processes first (m − 1) matrices first and then multiples the resultant matrix with mth matrix. Your task is to multiply a sequence of matrices optimally using the matrissor with capacity K. Here optimality depends on one criterion. You have to use the matrissor minimum number of times. Say you have 4 matrices available - M1(10 × 1), M2(1 × 10), M3(10 × 1) and M4(1 × 10). Now if you use a 100 capacity matrissor, then you can multiply M2, M3 and M4 in one step and in last step you can multiply M1, (M2, M3, M4). This can be expressed as (M1, (M2, M3, M4)), where (M2, M3, M4) denotes the resultant matrix after multiplying M2, M3, M4. Input The input file contains the number of test cases T first, which is at most 30. Each test case begins with a positive integer N(2 ≤ N ≤ 50) which is the number of matrices. Following N lines contain the dimensions of matrices, one line per matrix. Dimensions will be valid and any dimension will be in between 1 to 50. Next line will contain another integer Q(1 ≤ Q ≤ N) which is the number of queries, followed by the capacities of the matrissor in one line. Each test case will be followed by a blank line. Output For each set of input, print a line ‘Matrix #D’ in first line, where D is the test case number starting from 1. In next Q lines print the minimum number of steps to multiply all the matrices. If it is not possible to multiply the matrices, then print ‘Impossible.’. Put a blank line after each output set. See sample output for details. Sample Input 2 4 10 1 1 10 10 1 1 10 3 100 99 300 4 11 11 11 11 2 12

2/2 Sample Output Matrix #1 2 Impossible. 1 Matrix #2 3 2