The Geodetic Set Problem

Let G = (V, E) be a connected graph without loops and multiple edges, where V and E are the vertex and edge, respectively, sets of G. For any two vertices u, v ∈ V , the distance between vertices u and v in G is the number of edges in a shortest u−v path. A shortest path between u and v is called a u−v geodesic. Let I(u,v) denote the set of vertices such that a vertex is in I(u,v) if and only if it is in some ∪ u−vgeodesicofGand,forasetS⊆V,I(S)= geodetic set if I(D) = V . The geodetic set problem is to verify whether D is a geodetic set or not. u,v∈S We use Figure 3 as an example. In Figure 3, I(2, 5) = {2, 3, 4, 5} since there are two shortest paths between vertices 2 and 5. We can see that vertices 3 and 4 are lying on one of these two shortest paths respec- tively. However, I(2, 5) is not a geodetic set since I(2, 5) ̸= V . Vertex set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is intuitively a geodetic set of G. Vertex set D = {1, 2, 5} is also a geodetic set of G since vertex 3 (respectively, vertex 4) is in the shortest path between vertices 1 and 5 (respectively, vertices 2 and 5). Thus, I(D) = V . Besides, vertex sets {1, 3, 4} and {1, 4, 5} are also geode- tic sets. However, D = {3, 4, 5} is not a geodetic set since vertex 1 is not in I(D). Input Figure 3: A graph G. I(u,v). AvertexsetDingraphGiscalleda The input file consists of a given graph and several test cases. The first line contains an integer n indicating the number of vertices in the given graph, where 2 ≤ n ≤ 40. The vertices of a graph are labeled from 1 to n. Each vertex has a distinct label. The following n lines represent the adjacent vertices of vertex i, i = 1,2,...,n. For example, the second line of the sample input indicates that vertex 1 is adjacent with vertices 2 and 3. Note that any two integers in each line are separated by at least one space. After these n lines, there is a line which contains the number of test cases. Each test case is shown in one line and represents a given subset D of vertices. You have to determine whether D is a geodetic set or not. Output For each test case, output ‘yes’ in one line if it is a geodetic set or ‘no’ otherwise. Sample Input 5 23 134 125 25 34 6 12345 125 24

2/2 134 145 345 Sample Output yes yes no yes yes no