Sierpinski Carpet

The Sierpinski carpet is a typical plane fractal. The construction of it begins with a square. The square is cut into 9 congruent subsquares in a 3-by-3 grid, and the central subsquare is removed. The same procedure is then applied recursively to the remaining 8 subsquares, ad infinitum. Let’s call the first figure (single square) from which we begin carpet construction S0, next figure (combined 8 squares) S1, S2 figure is combined of 64 squares and so on. Here is an example of full Sierpinski carpet (S∞): In this problem you will be given a point in the plain and you have to find the maximal figure SN to which this point still belongs. Input The number of tests T (T ≤ 100) is given on the first line. Each of next T lines contains two floating point numbers cordinates X (0 < X < 1) and Y (0 < Y < 1) of a given point. Point’s cordinates are given with maximal precision of 6 digits after decimal point. Output For each test case output a single line ‘Case T: N’. Where T is the test case number (starting from 1) and N is the maximal index of figure S that point still belongs to. If point is in Sierpinski Carpet itself (S∞) then N must be equal to ‘-1’. Sample Input 2 0.111 0.111 0.123 0.123 Sample Output Case 1: 10 Case 2: 1