
The Argentine football team coach, the great Diego Maradona, is going to try out a new formation this year. Formation describes how the players are positioned on the pitch. Instead of the conventional 4-4-2 or 4-3-3, he has opted for 5-5. This means there are 5 attackers and 5 defenders. You have been hired by Argentina Football Federation (AFF) to write a code that will help them figure out which players should take the attacking/defensive positions. Maradona has given you a list containing the names of the 10 players who will take the field. The attacking ability and the de- fensive ability of each player are also given. Your job is to figure out which 5 players should take the attacking positions and which 5 should take the defensive positions. The rules that need to be followed to make the decision are: • The sum of the attacking abilities of the 5 attackers needs to be maximized • If there is more than one combination, maximize the sum of the defending abilities of the 5 defenders • If there is still more than one combination, pick the attackers that come lexicographically earliest. Input The first line of input contains an integer T (T < 50) that indicates the number of test cases. Each case contains exactly 10 lines. The i-th line contains the name of the i-th player followed by the attacking and defending ability of that player respectively. The length of a players name is at most 20 and consists of lowercase letters only. The attacking/defending abilities are integers in the range [0, 99]. Output The output of each case contains three lines. The first line is the case number starting from 1. The next line contains the name of the 5 attackers in the format ‘(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)’ where Ai is the name of an attacker. The next line contains the name of the 5 defenders in the same format. The attackers and defenders names should be printed in lexicographically ascending order. Look at the sample for more details. Sample Input 1 sameezahur 20 21 sohelh 18 9 jaan 17 86 sidky 16 36 shamim 16 18 shadowcoder 12 9 muntasir 13 4

2/2 brokenarrow 16 16 emotionalblind 16 12 tanaeem 20 97 Sample Output Case 1: (emotionalblind, jaan, sameezahur, sohelh, tanaeem) (brokenarrow, muntasir, shadowcoder, shamim, sidky)