John Anthony Good usually meets his friends on Fridays to have a poker night. They play Texas Hold’em poker which is, nowadays, the most popular poker game. In Texas Hold’em, each player may use any combination of his two face-down cards and the five face-up community cards to make a poker hand. The player can use his two cards, just one, or none of them to make the best hand. A poker deck is comprised of 52 cards, organized in four suits (“Spades”, “Hearts”, “Diamonds”, and “Clubs”) and 13 values (‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’, ‘T’, ‘J’, ‘Q’, ‘K’, and ‘A’, ordered from lowest to highest). The hands that a player can make are the following ones (from highest to lowest):
2/3 2C KC 3D 7S 7H 5D 6D 2H 7D 4H 4S TS 3H 8S 3S 5H AD 5S 6S 3C 9C 9S JC QC KD JH KS QS 6C 8H AC 2S 6H AH KH TC AS 9H QD 7C 4C 8C TH 2D JS 9D 8D 5C JD Then, he checks the seven rows (starting from top to bottom), the seven columns (starting from left to right), and the two diagonals (first, the one starting in the top-left corner and, then, the diagonal starting in the bottom-left corner). For each one of these sixteen sets of seven cards he tries to select the combination of five cards that comprise the highest possible hand (as in Texas Hold’em). Now, he is asking you to write a program that helps him to check if the hand that he finds is the highest one. Input The input consists of a first line with a number indicating the number of test cases. Then the test cases are separated by a new line. Each test case consists of seven lines with seven cards each one separated by blank spaces. Each card is represented by his value (first) and his suit (second) without spaces between them. Output For each input case, you must print a line with the following information. First, the line with the seven cards that include the best hand in the same order that they appear (rows and diagonals from left to right, and columns from top to bottom). Then two blank spaces, and the five cards that give the highest hand in the same order that they appear in the line. Finally, two blank spaces more and the name of the hand (‘High Cards’, ‘One Pair’, ‘Two Pair’, ‘Three of a Kind’, ‘Straight’, ‘Flush’, ‘Full House’, ‘Four of a Kind’, ‘Straight Flush’). In case of two hands with the same score, the hand that should be printed is the first one in the order in which the square and the cards are checked by John Anthony. Sample Input 4 9H 4H TD 5H QC 7H KC 7S TS JS 8S 6D 2C 5C QD 5S 7D KH 4S 8D 2H TH AD QH 3D KD 9C 4D 5D 9S 8H JH AH 3S 6C JC 7C AS 6H TC KS 8C 6S QS 2S 4C 9D AC JD 2C KC 3D 7S 7H 5D 6D 2H 7D 4H 4S TS 3H 8S 3S 5H AD 5S 6S 3C 9C 9S JC QC KD JH KS QS 6C 8H AC 2S 6H AH KH TC AS 9H QD 7C 4C 8C TH 2D JS 9D 8D 5C JD
3/3 9D AS KS KD AC 8D TH AH JS 9H TC 2C QH 5S 7D JH 8C 3H 7C 5H 6H 5C 8S TS 2D QC KH 2H JC 4H 4D 8H 2S 4C 3S 9C TD 9S 3C 7H 3D QS KC 4S AD JD 6S 7S QD 6H JH 4H AC 5H TS 7D AH 6S 5S 6C 4C 5D 8S JC 8H AD 9S TC 9D 4D 8D 7C 6D 3D 8C KC 7H 4S TD 5C JD QD KD QS 9C TH 3C 2S AS QC 3H 2C 9H 3S 2D JS 7S KS Sample Output THADQH3DKD9C4D 6C8HAC2S6HAHKH JC4H4D8H2S4C3S JH6S8H7CTDTH9H THADQHKD9C HighCards 6CAC6HAHKH TwoPair JC4H4D8H4C ThreeofaKind JH8H7CTD9H Straight