The puzzle game Slitherlink is played on a grid. Each cell of the grid contains either a space or an integer from 0 to 3. The goal is to draw in some grid lines con- necting vertically or horizonally adjacent points on the grid subject to the following constraints:
- If a grid cell is numbered k then ex- actly k out of the 4 adjacent grid lines are drawn.
- The grid lines form a single loop that does not cross itself.
Determining if a given instance of a
Slitherlink puzzle can be completed or
not is NP-complete which means nobody
knows of an efficient algorithm to solve
the problem for large grids. Your task is
simpler. Given an instance of a Slither-
link puzzle and a proposed solution, you
are to check that the solution indeed satisfies the constraints for that puzzle.
For example, the first sample input is not valid since there are 2 grid lines drawn adjacent to a cell numbered 1. The second, third, and fourth samples are invalid since the grid lines do not form a single loop. However, the fifth sample is valid.
The first integer denotes the number of test cases to follow. Each test case is specified by a line containing two positive integers R and C (both at most 50) followed by a grid of 2R + 1 rows of 2C + 1 characters. The contents of row r and column c (counting from 1) are as follows:
- if both r and c are odd then the character is a ‘+’ indicating a grid point
- if both r and c are even then the character is either a space or one of 0, 1, 2, or 3 indicating the
contents of the corresponding grid space
- if r is odd and c is even then the character is either a space or ‘-’ indicating a drawn horizontal grid line
- if r is even and c is odd then the character is either a space or ‘|’ indicating a drawn vertical grid line
You can assume all inputs are well-formed descriptions of a Slitherlink puzzle and a proposed solution. A blank line also precedes each test case.
2/3 Output
The output for each test case is a single line containing either ‘Valid’ or ‘Invalid’, depending on whether the proposed solution is valid or not.
Sample Input
+-+ +
1| |2 +-+ +-+ |1| +-+-+ +
1 |3| + + +-+
+-+ +-+ |3| |3| ++++ |3| |3| +-+ +-+
22 +-+-+ |3|3| +++ |3|3| +-+-+
2| |
| |2
+-+ +
+-+-+ +
| |2 +-+ + +-+ |30 3| +-+ +-+-+
||1 + +-+ + +
Sample Output