This game is being organised as part of Computer Society. There are 6 coins of different colors Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Violet. 4 coins has been chosen and has been put into a sequence of 4 holes (h1,h2,h3,h4), one in each hole. Mr.Fruit was asked to guess the coin in each of the holes. In each guess, he can give a sequence of four colors corresponding to each of the holes. He was asked to give two guesses . Each guess was given a reply in terms of two integers n1 and n2. n1 tells the no. of colors which had same position in the hole and Mr.Fruit’s guess. n2 tells the no. of colors which are both in the one of the holes and in Mr.Fruit’s guess but in different position. Mr.Fruit had made the guess but he doubts the replies for his guesses. U hv to help him out, by figuring whether its possible for some sequence of colors in the holes to match his guesses with the replies. Input First line contains t, the number of test cases. Each of the test cases consists of two lines, each line representing one of Mr.Fruit’s guesses and their replies. The guess is represented by a string of length 4, with each character representing the color guessed for the corresponding hole. The colors are represented by their first letter in upper case. The two integers n1 and n2 follows. There is a blank line before each test case. Output For Each test case, U have to print ‘Possible’ in a single line if there is atleast one sequence of colors in the holes, which can match Mr.Fruit’s guesses and their corresponding replies.Print ‘Cheat’ in a single line if no such sequence of colors exist for a test case. Sample Input 7 OYBG 3 1 BGVO 0 1 VRBG 2 2 RVGO 4 0 OVBG 0 2 OVYG 2 0 BVGY 1 0 GVYB 2 2 YGOR 4 0 RGOB 4 0 RBVY 2 1 ORVY 4 0
2/2 GYBV 2 1 YORV 0 2 Sample Output Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Cheat Possible Possible