How old are you?


  • Here are the filled form.

  • Thank you. Let me check... hum... OK, OK, OK... Wait, how old are you?

    1. Did I forget to fill it?
  • No. It says here that you'll be born next month! The year is wrong...

  • Oh... Sorry! The process is going to be automatic and to avoid some human errors there will be a calculated field that informs the age based in the current date and the birth date given. This is your task, calculate the age, or say if there’s something wrong. Input The first line of input gives the number of cases, T (1 ≤ T ≤ 200). T test cases follow. Each test case starts with a blank line, then you will have 2 lines corresponding to the current date and the birth date, respectively. The dates are in the format DD/MM/YYYY, where DD is the day, MM the month and Y Y Y Y the year. All dates will be valid. Output The output is comprised of one line for each input data set and should be as follow (quotes for clarifying only): ‘Case #N: AGE’, where N is the number of the current test case and AGE is one of the 3 following options: • ‘Invalid birth date’, if the calculated age is impossible (still going to be born). • ‘Check birth date’, if the calculated age is more than 130. • the calculated age (years old only), otherwise. • If the two dates are the same, the output should be ‘0’. Sample Input 4 01/01/2007 10/02/2007 09/06/2007 28/02/1871 12/11/2007 01/01/1984 28/02/2005 29/02/2004

    2/2 Sample Output Case #1: Invalid birth date Case #2: Check birth date Case #3: 23 Case #4: 0