The good old times

In the stoneage things weren’t as easy for programmers as they are today. For example programmers had only very slow computers with a very limited main memory and very small hard disks at their disposal. Furthermore a lot of standard applications hadn’t been developed. Now one of your customers, Fred Flintstone, wants a command line calculator for his computer, the new Granite500 with 1000 hertz. Your task is to write a command line calculator for him. Input Each line of input will consist of a string of length l, l < 255, containing a valid arithmetic expression. Because main memory was very small in those days, the string will contain no blanks or tabs, nor parathensis. It will contain the four standard arithmetic operators ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘’,/ as well as a unary ‘-’ or ‘+’ and floating point numbers. The input will be terminated by EOF. Output For each line of input, output the value of the arithmetic expression on a single line. The result should contain three digits after the decimal point. Hint: use double Sample Input 1/2/2 -3.0 3 4.0+3.0/5.0 123+1+12+123*4 Sample Output 0.250 -3.000 3.000 4.600 33.000