Dropping water balloons

It’s frosh week, and this year your friends have decided that they would initiate the new com- puter science students by dropping water bal- loons on them. They’ve filled up a large crate of identical water balloons, ready for the event. But as fate would have it, the balloons turned out to be rather tough, and can be dropped from a height of several stories without burst- ing! So your friends have sought you out for help. They plan to drop the balloons from a tall building on campus, but would like to spend as little effort as possible hauling their balloons up the stairs, so they would like to know the lowest floor from which they can drop the bal- loons so that they do burst. You know the building has n floors, and your friends have given you k identical balloons which you may use (and break) during your tri- als to find their answer. Since you are also lazy, you would like to determine the minimum num- ber of trials you must conduct in order to de- termine with absolute certainty the lowest floor from which you can drop a balloon so that it bursts (or in the worst case, that the balloons will not burst even when dropped from the top floor). A trial consists of dropping a balloon from a certain floor. If a balloon fails to burst for a trial, you can fetch it and use it again for another trial. Input The input consists of a number of test cases, one case per line. The data for one test case consists of two numbers k and n, 1 ≤ k ≤ 100 and a positive n that fits into a 64 bit integer (yes, it’s a very tall building). The last case has k = 0 and should not be processed. Output For each case of the input, print one line of output giving the minimum number of trials needed to solve the problem. If more than 63 trials are needed then print ‘More than 63 trials needed.’ instead of the number. Sample Input 2 100 10 786599 4 786599 60 1844674407370955161 63 9223372036854775807 00

2/2 Sample Output 14 21 More than 63 trials needed. 61 63