
We define the parity of an integer n as the sum of the bits in binary representation computed modulo two. As an example, the number 21 = 101012 has three 1s in its binary representation so it has parity 3(mod2), or 1. In this problem you have to calculate the parity of an integer 1 ≤ I ≤ 2147483647. Input Each line of the input has an integer I and the end of the input is indicated by a line where I = 0 that should not be processed. Output For each integer I in the inputt you should print a line ‘The parity of B is P (mod 2).’, where B is the binary representation of I. Sample Input 1 2 10 21 0 Sample Output The parity of 1 is 1 (mod 2). The parity of 10 is 1 (mod 2). The parity of 1010 is 2 (mod 2). The parity of 10101 is 3 (mod 2).