Largest Square

Given a rectangular grid of characters you have to find out the length of a side of the largest square such that all the characters of the square are same and the center [intersecting point of the two diagonals] of the square is at location (r,c). The height and width of the grid is M and N respectively. Upper left corner and lower right corner of the grid will be denoted by (0, 0) and (M − 1, N − 1) respectively. Consider the grid of characters given below. Given the location (1, 2) the length of a side of the largest square is 3. abbbaaaaaa abbbaaaaaa abbbaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaccaaaaaa aaccaaaaaa Input The input starts with a line containing a single integer T (< 21). This is followed by T test cases. The first line of each of them will contain three integers M, N and Q (< 21) separated by a space where M, N denotes the dimension of the grid. Next follows M lines each containing N characters. Finally, there will be Q lines each containing two integers r and c. The value of M and N will be at most 100. Output For each test case in the input produce Q + 1 lines of output. In the first line print the value of M , N and Q in that order separated by single space. In the next Q lines, output the length of a side of the largest square in the corresponding grid for each (r, c) pair in the input. Sample Input 1 7 10 4 abbbaaaaaa abbbaaaaaa abbbaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaccaaaaaa aaccaaaaaa 12 24 46 52 Sample Output 7 10 4

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