How Far?

As you probably know, the earth moves round the sun, and the moon moves round the earth. Both the earth and the moon fol- low elliptical paths. But for this problem, we will consider their paths to be circular. So the earth moves round the sun in a cir- cular path with the sun in the center, and likewise the moon moves round the earth in a circular path with the earth in the cen- ter. This same kind of planetary system can be observed elsewhere in the galaxy. So, for a general case, let there are n such bodies b1,b2,b3,...,bn, where b1 moves round the sun, which is stationary, from a distance of r1. Body b2 moves round b1 from a distance of r2, and so on. Body bi completes a cycle in nonzero-time ti. Given the r’s and the t’s, you have to find out the distances d’s of the bodies from the sun at a given time T . At T = 0, all the bodies lie in their farthest positions from the sun. Input Input consists of multiple test cases. Each case starts with n and T in a line. The following n lines each contains first ri and then ti for i = 1,2,...,n. Input is terminated by EOF. All the inputs are positive integers. There wont be more than 50 bodies in a single solar system. Output For each case, there should a new line. Print all the d’s in that line separated by spaces. Each d should have 4-digits after the decimal point. Sample Input 35 20 5 30 5 40 5 Sample Output 20.0000 50.0000 90.0000