A war is being lead between two countries, A and B. As a loyal citizen of C, you decide to help your countrys espionage by attending the peace-talks taking place these days (incognito, of course). There are n people at the talks (not including you), but you do not know which person belongs to which country. You can see people talking to each other, and through observing their behaviour during their occasional one-to-one conversations, you can guess if they are friends or enemies. In fact what your country would need to know is whether certain pairs of people are from the same country, or they are enemies. You may receive such questions from Cs government even during the peace-talks, and you have to give replies on the basis of your observations so far. Fortunately nobody talks to you, as nobody pays attention to your humble appearance. Now, more formally, consider a black box with the following operations: setFriends(x,y) setEnemies(x,y) areFriends(x,y) areEnemies(x,y) shows that x and y are from the same country shows that x and y are from different countries returns true if you are sure that x and y are friends returns true if you are sure that x and y are enemies The first two operations should signal an error if they contradict with your former knowledge. The two relations ‘friends’ (denoted by ∼) and ‘enemies’ (denoted by ∗) have the following properties: ∼ is an equivalence relation, i.e.
2/2 Output For every “areFriends” and “areEnemies” operation write ‘0’ (meaning no) or ‘1’ (meaning yes) to the output. Also for every “setFriends” or “setEnemies” operation which contradicts with previous knowledge, output a ‘-1’ to the output; note that such an operation should produce no other effect and execution should continue. A successful “setFriends” or “setEnemies” gives no output. All integers in the output file must be separated by one line break. Sample Input 10 101 112 205 302 389 415 412 489 189 152 352 000 Sample Output 1 0 1 0 0 -1 0