
Let X be the set of correctly built parenthesis expressions. The elements of X are strings consisting only of the characters ‘(’ and ‘)’. The set X is defined as follows: • an empty string belongs to X • if A belongs to X, then (A) belongs to X • if both A and B belong to X, then the concatenation AB belongs to X. For example, the following strings are correctly built parenthesis expressions (and therefore belong to the set X): ()(())() (()(())) The expressions below are not correctly built parenthesis expressions (and are thus not in X): (()))(() ())(() Let E be a correctly built parenthesis expression (therefore E is a string belonging to X). The length of E is the number of single parenthesis (characters) in E. The depth D(E) of E is defined as follows:  0 D(E) =  D(A) + 1 max(D(A), D(B)) if E is empty if E = (A), and A is in X if E = AB, and A, B are in X For example, the length of “()(())()” is 8, and its depth is 2. What is the number of correctly built parenthesis expressions of length n and depth d, for given positive integers n and d? Write a program which • reads two integers n and d • computes the number of correctly built parenthesis expressions of length n and depth d; Input Input consists of lines of pairs of two integers - n and d, at most one pair on line, 2 ≤ n ≤ 300, 1 ≤ d ≤ 150. The number of lines in the input file is at most 20, the input may contain empty lines, which you don’t need to consider.

2/2 Output For every pair of integers in the input write single integer on one line - the number of correctly built parenthesis expressions of length n and depth d. Note: There are exactly three correctly built parenthesis expressions of length 6 and depth 2: (())() ()(()) (()()) Sample Input 62 300 150 Sample Output 3 1